When your mind is an overwhelming battlefield…imagine this visualisation.

Helping women deal with overwhelming, busy minds is my speciality.

I’m an expert at it because I have one of the busiest minds I know!

As Highly Sensitive Person ( HSP), it always seems like the outside world is hectic, and so your inside world does too.

You find yourself in these sorts of twists and turns.

You just feel like you're all over the place.

This might happen when you're trying to make a decision when a new chapter is happening, when you feel confronted or triggered by something and your mind is kind of loopy in all different directions and you don't know how to move forward.

So you might find yourself saying things like:

"One on one hand I think I should do this, but then I think about it in another way, and then my Mum says I should do this, but my therapist suggests this instead- I'm so confused!"

Or you find yourself telling a story of your day and you sound like an emotional roller coaster:

'I thought I was going to have a good day, but then I was already angry by the time I got to the office, and then I was hiding in the office bathroom crying, and then I felt this immense grief when my daughter said this..."

In sum, your mind, thoughts, heart and emotions are all over the place.

Inner world rollercoaster spaghetti!

You don't know what decision to make.

You don't know what errand to prioritise first.

You don't know which thought to believe.

You don't know which emotion is real or which one is PMS.

It's like your mind has 15 Italians screaming at each other over the coffee table and you can barely hear yourself thing.

Let me help you...because I am an expert in staying calm when 15 of my Italian relatives are screaming over the coffee table.

A simple way to kind of work this is to notice that many, many, many parts of your brain, emotions and your personality are operating all at once.

You're probably a little dysregulated probably a little hyperactive.

You're probably a little anxious. You're a little on edge. You're a little startled, right?

So notice that in the body, how it feels or shows up in the body, and then, instead of trying to sort out which one is the right one or should have all the focus on yelling at you uninterrupted...

​...I'd invite you to remember your beautiful higher self.

Imagine you can look down on all of these thoughts and emotions having a mud-slinging fight at your inner coffee table.

Imagine you have a bird's eye view of this hectic moment of your inner world.

Then, imagine all of these thoughts and all of these different parts of you are now sitting down at a table or sitting down at a boardroom and you're the CEO.

Put the indecisive part in one seat.

Put the crying part in another seat.

Put all the different opinions in all different seats.

Put your heart in one seat.

Put your brain in another seat,

Put your tired body in another seat,

Put any other parts in this visual boardroom you're creating there and then observe how that feels.

Take back control.

Say "Sit down, all of you! You crazy kids are all going all over the place, that's enough!"

You know that in real life if you're trying to have a meeting and 50 people are screaming at each other, nothing's going to get resolved.

So, calm down, everyone, and don't let your inner world do it either.

Say to your inner boardroom:

"I'm the CEO, I'm the boss. I have love and compassion for all of you and all parts of my mind and all parts of my personality. I notice I'm having lots of inner conflicts between my heart my mind and my spirit. My thoughts are in all different directions. People's opinions are confusing me. Different options and ideas are overwhelming. I don't know which way to go and it's not helping that you're all yelling at once."

Now, instead of getting cranky at them all and sending them to your imaginary HR department for reprimanding, send all of those parts at that table love and compassion, because they're all trying to look out for you.

They're all trying to help you.

They're all fighting for you.

They're all fighting to be heard and fighting to be seen and they all think that way is the right way, but they're misguided.

But you need to tell them that their way of thinking is not helping.

It's stressful for you.

You can't think clearly when they're all talking all over each other.

Essentially, none of you them right anyway as there's no one truth of anything.

Slow it down.

Tell them to sit down and you're in charge.

Now, who are you? If you are not one of these intense thoughts, emotions or errands you think you have to do, who are you?

You are that meta-awareness, that ability to do this process, the ability to notice all of this happening at once and say this isn't working for me and I want to step back. Your Meta-awareness is your ability to see and notice the whole picture and not get tired up into one part of you at the table.

It's that process of stepping back and seeing things from a bird's eye view.

Now you're creating space between your observing, higher self and the chaos of the mind and emotions.

Getting space between you and all of those conflicted thought processes is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

It doesn't matter which way you go from here, or what you decide.

The spaciousness, the expansiveness, and the sense of awareness and control is the gift, and you can practice it every day, not just for Christmas.

Remember, you don't have to listen to any of them!

I hope that has been helpful!

Working in this way is a huge part of my work so that we can zoom out of your problems with love and compassion for all of those parts of you.

It's best not to try and sort your way through a decision when you're in the midst of the thought tornado, because you can't see the wood for the trees.

That would be like getting into a mosh pit and choosing any random fell mosh-pit psycho at random.

Nope, go above. Imagine you're the rock star on the stage looking down at the insane moshpit thinking "Noooooope, there's no way I'm going crowd surfing in that mess!"

Notice all the uncertainty, confusion and overwhelm and take a step back, finding that space and calmness.

Then, and only once you've done that, ask yourself...

What is the wisest, most loving decision I could make for myself right now?

Ahhh that feels better, right? Enjoy!



PS. If you'd like further support to deal with your thoughts, please book a Complimentary Connection Call here so we can explore working together or read more about my counselling services here.


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