Holistic counselling in
Fremantle and Cottesloe, Perth + Online

You’re looking for just the right therapist, and we want to make sure you’re perfectly matched to someone you’ve been searching for.

Counselling in Fremantle, Perth and Online

Does this sound like you?

You’re not looking for a medical, diagnostic or psychological approach.

You want to let go of the past and learn how to deal with things using helpful tools and ways of relating differently to your challenges.

You want someone to help you see what you can’t, have faith in you when you’ve fallen, and give direction when you don’t know how to handle something that’s difficult in your life.

You want to silence the critical inner voice you have that tells you you’re not good enough, attractive enough, smart enough or strong enough.

You want to lean into a more loving, heart-centred and compassionate way of being with yourself.

You’re a sensitive, deep thinking and feeling woman who has lots of thoughts, questions and emotions, and as much. as you want to embrace that, its overwhelming and confusing at times.

Sarah Registered Counsellor Fremantle Pertj

 What you’re looking for:

  • A counsellor that you can relate to is young, relevant and speaks your language;

  • A safe space where you can talk about your feelings, thoughts and fears that you can’t share with other people in your life;

  • Clarity on how you can move forward in life and manage your problems and emotions better: and

  • You’re looking for long lasting change, a deeper understanding of yourself, rather than quick fixes.

About you

  • You’re committed to personal development and want to do better for yourself;

  • You’d like to be more compassionate, confident and loving towards yourself;

  • You’re ready to get back on track in life and become confident again to manage your inner world and your relationships: and

  • You’re ready to do deeper work and truly understand yourself and how life’s experiences have shaped you.

Starting the journey is the hardest part…

Clients come to me with all sorts of challenges and issues.

Every client’s life is completely different and I am interested in your unique story and experience.

I’ve taken clients from total despair and overwhelm to living an incredible, heart-centred life and have specialty skills in supporting sensitive women.

With courage, you can get there too.

I’m passionate about helping my clients become stronger, more confident, self-assured and excited about their life, and I’d love to help you get there too.

You’ve got a good foundation in life, and you want to face the things that aren’t quite right and have more nourishing relationships with yourself and others.

You want to let go of the past and learn how to deal with your experiences using helpful strategies so you don’t have to hide from them.

You want to make sure you start counselling with the right therapist, and that's really important to me too.

I’d love to help you…

  • Understand, explore and manage your emotions;

  • Learn to love, support and nourish yourself with compassion;

  • Observe and deal with your nasty inner critic that keeps you in a state of fear and self-criticism;

  • Understand your relationship to vulnerability and intimacy and how it influences your relationships;

  • Identify, articulate and express your needs, boundaries and desires;

  • Learn to self-soothe during times of distress and emotional overwhelm;

  • Draw important connections between your earlier life and current experiences;

  • Identify your unhelpful and unkind ways of thinking and behaving, and offer alternative strategies;

  • Understand how you experience yourself in family, social, work and romantic relationships;

  • Embrace healthy and positive sexually and sensuality that is free of shame, judgement and fear;

  • Resolve conflicts in your relationships, develop better communication skills and lean-in towards love, connection and intimacy;

  • Be mindful and develop core meditation skills for relaxation and exploration of your inner world;

  • Develop a strong sense of yourself and allow your true, authentic personality to solidify;

  • Identify your core values of what is important to you and help you align your life towards them;

  • Improve your self-esteem and self-love; and

  • Manage and confront symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress and emotional overwhelm that have been lurking around for far too long.

  • Live a full, courageous and purposeful life;

  • Finally, be yourself!

Access Individual Counselling or Couple Counselling in Fremantle and Cottesloe or online.

Get detailed information about individual
or couples counselling


“There are so many positive things to say about this absolute powerhouse of a woman. Most importantly, if you’re looking for a meaningful and mindful change in your life, Gabriella can help you on your journey. She will help you realise what your goals are and support you to reach them. Her compassion and ability to guide yourself is something that shows that she truly listens and lets you be the expert on your experience.”- Beth, Social Worker

“You want someone who ‘gets you’ in counselling; Someone who you can trust and share anything to without feeling judged. We’re all human an we’re all working through our darkness but it takes incredible courage and vulnerability to do so. Gabriella holds you through that process so strongly, and yet gently. She has the emotional maturity to sit with the ‘hard stuff’, yet sassy enough to bring some light and laughter to a session too. She’s generous, deep-thinking and kind-hearted, and within a space space, she guides and allows you to see patterns in your life with no longer serve you. With compassion, Gabriella helps you step into a vision of your best self.” - Nicole, Women’s Coach

 Make a booking enquiry to discuss working together.